Sunday, March 11, 2012

...and so it begins...

Picture an apartment in which four college guys reside – it is sparsely decorated and wholly untidy. But then you walk into one roommate’s room, and you see the bedroom completely and beautifully decorated for Christmas. That was my husband, and that is what is so attractive about him – the man loves to decorate (and he’s good at it)! He also has an incredibly masculine side to him ( I saying that decorating is not masculine? anyway...); he can fix almost anything and is stronger in his pinky finger than I am in my entire bicep. Ah, what an attractive mix!

Three years ago we moved into our little 3-bedroom house on Dalmally Drive. It is our first home – that alone makes it special! We knew this house provided us the perfect backdrop to transform it into just what we wanted; it even has those lovely builder-grade brass fixtures. (Yes, I said “has”….hmpf…) It took some time to get started on any sort of project because I was 7 months pregnant with our second child when we closed on the house.  It took all my energy just to paint Miss Rowan’s room pink instead of the deep forest green that was in there. But, alas, that little girl is now 2 ½ and a great many projects and renovations have been done.

This blog, though we have just begun, is a way for us to document the reinventing of our home. It is a way for us, as a married couple, to look back at all the work we’ve done and reflect on what it means to be a part of our home – to be intertwined with every nook and cranny. We will someday sell this house (we are desperate for a home with more land and room to grow…), and I already feel a sense of mourning when I think of that day. Our home is a reflection of us, and I hope that shines through when you follow our journey. It’s funny, though, in a strange way I don’t even mind if we don’t have a single reader. I am just appreciative that my husband and I can take this little blog-journey together. 

1 comment:

  1. I just found this! And I LOVE this. Sad I didn't know about this sooner. Adding you to my unkempt sidebar now!
